Alister Frayling – CEO
Having been a long-standing solopreneur for several decades, Alister Frayling set an intention in 2007 and created an opportunity to begin building a team that would eventually become one of Western Canada’s premier full-service environmental consulting firms. Alister holds a Master of Business Administration and is responsible for the administrative health of TerraWest. He is known as the idea man and provides vision and direction on the growth of the company. Many of his closest clients have been loyal for over 20 years, and they are known to appreciate his practical approach to problem solving and enthusiasm in seeking new opportunities. When not working on business, Alister is a compassionate family man, an aspiring small vessel sailor, dog lover, and walking encyclopedia of scotch whiskey. While remaining young at heart the team makes sure to tease him relentlessly about his wise age and blindingly clean hard hat.
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